Part 3 of 4: Are New Testament Christians Required To Tithe? AUDIO PODCAST

3 months ago

In this series so far, I have read every single Old Testament scripture about tithing except one.  In this episode we are going to talk about what "tithing" actually was in Israel.  Did you know that in addition to bringing a tenth of their produce and animals, that there were certain things that God commanded them to say with their mouths? The tithe was the physical produce and animals that they were commanded to bring to the priest, but tithing was the acting of bringing and saying. 

In this episode, which is part 3,  we are going to leave the Old Testament and study what the New Testament says about tithing.   I answer the questions, did Jesus teach tithing?   Did he ever tell his disciples to tithe? Did Jesus himself tithe? Would Jesus have received someone tithes while he was on this earth?  Did Paul teach tithing?  The answers may shock you!

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