This Bamboo Tower Creates 26 Gallons Of Water A Day From Thin Air

6 years ago

Imagine having to walk for several hours a day for just a glass of water. That is the cruel reality for many women and children in Ethiopia. That is why a device has been created that will eliminate that chore for them.

It is called the Warka Water Tower. They are 30-feet-tall structures that are easily placed in rural areas where water is very hard to get. It is the work of the innovative team of an Italian design firm called Architecture and Vision, who took cues from the Ethiopian landscape, specifically the Ethiopian fig tree called warka. The giant wild fig tree native to Ethiopia is traditionally used for public gatherings and education, an archetype of ‘common ground’.

The structure utilizes a special fabric that collects condensation from the air and can collect up to 26 gallon of clean, drinking water each day. It basically collects dew from the air. That is enough water for over 50 people!

The towers cost just $1000 to install and require no tools, no electricity and can be operational in under an hour. The locals are taught how to build additional towers and are even encouraged to do so. The Warka towers are meant to be accessible and easy to make, using local resources.

Some 20% of the world population has no access to clean drinking water. It seems that these Warka water towers are the solution to this crisis.

It makes you think doesn't it, about the ways you are wasting this natural resource without thinking about people who do not have the same privilege. It sure made us turn off the tap while brushing our teeth.

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