C19 = PNEUMONIA --- 08/06/2019 - Dr. Keith Klugman - Director of Pneumonia Programs-Gates Foundation

3 months ago

08/06/2019 - Dr. Keith Klugman - Director of Pneumonia Programs - Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
• Why does Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have a "Director of Pneumonia" on their Foundation,
• What happens in the Pneumonia Programs at Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation?,
• Pneumonia causes a Cytokine Storm,
• Pneumonia is fatal unless treated with Antibiotics,
• No one should be dying from Pneumonia as Antibiotics are available to cure the condition,
• Number 1 most common major complication of Measles is: Secondary Bacterial Pneumonia,
• "So Pneumonia deaths really shouldn't occur, it's preventable, as I mentioned by vaccines, also treatable by ANTIBIOTICS.

⭐ Please check out my research on Obama's EO 13676 signed 09/18/2014, effective 11/29/2019, enforceable law on 03/30/2020 on my X account: @PPR_Mile

Thread with evidence that C19 was purposefully and KNOWINGLY non-treated seasonal Influenza that developed into a Secondary Bacterial Pneumonia infection and through Obama's EO 13676, 09/18/2014, that became Law under false pretenses by manufactured/multiplied CDC cases and deaths of the Antimicrobial Resistant Superbug Bacteria that the CDC/HHS fears:

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