Blood & Circulatory Clotting & Bleeding Disorder Deaths Caused By VAXX

3 months ago

Highest Alert ‼️ Biological Threat To Carson Army Base and Cheyanne Space Force Base, Colorado.

New Injections Of “ Live “ Ebola Vaccines being given to medical 🏥 staff at
Carson Army Base, Colorado in Cheyanne Mountain ⛰️
Fort Carson, the Mountain Post, is a proud Army post located southwest of Colorado Springs, Colorado, between Interstate 25 and Highway 115 in El Paso county.

Near : Cheyenne Mountain ⛰️ Space Force Base.


Sheriff Prepares People Of Ohio About Coming Conflicts Inside America -


Mudder Phucker 59
The Gulf War Illness Causing Vaccine 💉 Adjuvant / Additive Autoimmune Technologies LLC, New Orleans
[ Place where Dr. Pamela Asa discovered Squalene Antibody in Sick Gulf War Veterans ] - She also created what is called the ASA ASSAY TEST that can check for this. This test MIGHT be able to be ordered in quantity from them in order to determine conclusively in court if someone has developed an antibody to this synthetic foreign substance.

Can anybody help subsidize this type of “Test Kit” rallying cry?

It is my sincere hope that you will consider not only punitive, antitrust actions against those responsible for so much death, pain, and anguish, but to please consider a class action lawsuit on a massive scale for citizens and soldiers alike.

I am also asking for this type of landmark case to become an automatic assumed criteria within the VA to trigger granting of long overdue service connected disability for all affected veterans.

Guess What !!! THEY NEVER TOOK IT OUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!

They jack us up on Synthetic Squalene which is a precursor to cholesterol and STEROIDS !!!!

Is that what they mean by a Super Soldier Program?

Declaration Of Military Accountability Sign Up Form
- Read the Declaration.pdf | DocDroid

Patent # For Morgellons Disease US6245531B1 - Polynucleotide encoding insect ecdysone receptor - Google Patents

All Purpose Files # 7
New 🆕 Rep. Clay Higgins warning ⛔️ to Cartels at Southern Border

Veterans Against Treason Data Dump ~ The Hazards Of Depleted Uranium with emphasis on the “ late “ U.S. Army Major & Physicist Doug Rokke and others.

1.) Who was Major Doug Rokke.
Answer - He was one ☝️ of the Patron Saints Of the early Gulf War Research 🧐 Movement which originated ( for me ) on the American 🇺🇸 Gulf War Veterans Website ( maybe still a bit here and there on the Wayback Search 🔍 Engine where I was a researcher 👨‍🔬 and moderator starting in 2002 under the moniker of Rainbowrising- ( named after the Rainbow 🌈 Rock Band 🎸 Album 💿 of the same name.

Other patron saints.
Anthrax Vaccine Hazard Scientists 👩‍🔬 Dr. Pam Asa and Dr. Robert F. Garry out of Tulane University ( see links below ) author ✍️ Gary ( and friend ) Gary Matsumoto who wrote an Amazingly great book on their work called Vaccine 💉 A ( Highly Recommended ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ )…. Tom Trefts ~ Veterans Against Treason 09/09/23

Also Dr. Garth Nicholson who basically proved that you cannot make a safe vaccine 💉 simply because of toxic Micoplasmas which are simply in the air and will always end up in any vaccine 💉 ( because you cannot make a vaccine 💉 that doesn’t come into contact with either it’s individual ingredients or it’s finished format.)

Veterans Against Treason / Unified Veterans Coalition Petitions Still Available Online :

1.) Petition To Recognize The Gulf Research 🔬 of Dr. Pamela Asa and Dr. Robert F. Garry while at Tulane University.

2.) Suspicious 🤨 Observers
( Planet X & NIBIRU- Solar Weather +++ ) Suspicious0bservers – Earthquakes | Space Weather | Cosmology – Your Mind is Your Weapon

3.) Direct Quote From One ☝️ Of My Subscribers On Maui HicksHupp has just posted a comment on your video "Maui Corruption Madness Timeline 🔥 🔥 🔥". Here is the full comment:
"Mauian here, okay, the schools are requiring all the Lahaina parents to get tb cleared and to show records to enroll kids. Parents are working on these things but we lack doctors and so they are having a hard time getting cleared to register for school. That is one reason, I don't know if there are others. NO laser fire, it was the electric lines, however, still no excuse we have been yelling from the roof tops about high winds and those damn lines going down. We want them in the ground, and they don't listen. We have total corruption here, this is not news to locals, just to you mainlanders. The water needs electricity to pump so no power means no water. The reason they wouldn't let people bring in supplies is a mystery to this day. They are evil people which is the bottom line. Did you know that everyone was at a FEMA conference in Oahu during this disaster and they were actually having dinner and drinks when Lahaina burned to the ground, according to their schedule. This whole thing has exposed our phony government finally."

Roseanne Barr TRUTH BOMBS 💣

Of the 13 gold bars found in Senator Bob Menendez's [D-NJ] possession during the raid of his home last June 22nd, FOUR are NOW CONCLUSIVELY PROVEN to have been stolen during an ARMED ROBBERY of a known Menendez associate back in 2013.  

This is what you call a MAJOR FREAKING PLOT TWIST, folks.

Russia 🇷🇺 Breaking News 🗞️

Russia Ally states small border territories would fall to Russian Army in 15 Minutes in any War With NATO.

QFS Explained
Quantum Financial System
Narrative goes that all ATM’s, Stock Market, the entire internet 🛜 and phones 📱 will switch to Blockchain/ Quantum Technology based on redistributed World Gold Reserves to create a ONE TO ONE currency ISO900022 Banking System based entirely on Precious Metals.
- Thomas W. Trefts 12/05/23

Tons of effort at transference of wealth to new system because old system will be reset / reevaluated back to zero . - Tom

Search 🔍- Charlie Ward.

- - -

The following text/article comes from the Telegram Channel SECURE COMMS. :

Allow me to explain (from my limited perspective - I do NOT have any inside information, only personal research and others’ research shared with me):

- - -

Humanity has been battling, essentially “Central Authority” for all of recorded history.

Some believe this started in ancient Sumeria, with degenerative farming methods that created dependency upon inputs and was perfected in Babylonia with what is called “Babylonian Debt Magick.”

In modern history, nearly every major war was funded on both sides by the same group of Central Bankers, who also used early knowledge of Napoleon’s defeat (telling the English public that Napoleon had won) to bankrupt England and buy its debt - thus gaining control of the nation, forming the City of London.

Even the Titanic was allegedly sunk to eliminate Col. John Jacob Astor IV and Benjamin Guggenheim - the primary opponents to the U.S. Federal Reserve.

Once they were eliminated, the Federal reserve Act passed and the I.R.S. was created.

Since then, we have been slaves to the debt, just as Great Britain, and most of the world have been.

Any nation who dares to leave their rigges system is destroyed - wether it be Germany, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria, Russia…

The Quantum Financial System uses their own weapons against them by creating an un-hackable digital financial network that runs on Space Force controlled Starlink Satellites…

This system looks like traditional crypto, and the usual criminals were lured to play in this new global financial playground.

However, this network is based on ISO 20022, and all transactions are stored in the public blockchain - able to be traced back to their sources with sufficient time and resources (such as global military).

WE HAVE EVERYTHING - including their recent financial crimes (COVID) and more.

The QFS is real, and will be launching shortly - but the old system must be reset (meaning everything goes to ZERO) - so we are being given advanced notice to move some assets to this new system.

This way, when “the lights come back on,” our assets will be recoverable, or even readily available on the QFS, and [their] old system will be gone.

This entertaining animated film actually explains what is happening today very accurately and succinctly.


NESARA = National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act

GESARA = Global Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act


Greenland “Giant UFO 🛸 “


The Bridge to the upcoming 12-12 Cosmic Gateway of Ascension.

Antares Stargate Portal is open and activated now, from Dec 2nd-5th, when our Sun aligns with the Royal Star Antares - the brightest star - in the constellation of Scorpio, opening a Gateway to other Galaxies and Universes.

Antares is the Multidimensional Star Portal Bridge between the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy, and during the Antares Gateway, our Soul Memory gets reactivated.

We are receiving past life memories, immense Higher Heart Activations, Heart Chakra Upgrades, Activations to assist the Heart-Brain Integration, uniting the Polarities between Masculine and Feminine Within the Soul.

Neptune will bestationing direct on Dec 6th, inviting the energies of Forward Movement, Major Shift, Perception, and deeper levels of Awareness.

December 3rd, 2023 is

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