0️⃣ ➕ down 0️⃣ ➖ in my Imaginary 💭 world 🌎 No this No imaginary this is reality

11 months ago

0️⃣ ➕ down 0️⃣ ➖ in my Imaginary 💭 world 🌎 No this No imaginary this is reality need my information ℹ️ and records 📑 💽 🗃️especially 2012 hospital 🏥 75 New Scotland Ave. Capital District Psychiatric Center https://omh.ny.gov/omhweb/facilities/cdpc/index.htm before myself transferring to Albany Medical center 🏥 Hospital https://www.albanymed.org/specialty/mental-health/ told me records destroyed believe was lie 🤥 we’re transferred to 75 New Scotland Ave. speak 🗣️ no release records Albany Medical Center 🏥 just Records 75 New Scotland Ave. need record 2012 send my complaint what’s happened 2012 (1) soon 🔜 Arrival (2) incident at laundry 🧺 room (3) why’s and reason was discharge soon 🔜 after the incident at laundry 🧺 room end nothing happened still make complaint know speaking 🗣️ truth the others side want keep it silence 🤫 believe more small and information ℹ️ proof someways especially information ℹ️ records is different more difficult my complaint what’s happen ONE PINNACLE PLACE early 2000’s at appointment 🗓️ exam room just me and other person to proof both we’re alone

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