Signs narcissists are envious OF YOU!

3 months ago

🙚 Narcissists target individuals they perceive as superior to themselves to compensate for their own feelings of inferiority.
🙚 They exhibit both envy and jealousy, desiring what others have while also not wanting others to have what they possess.
🙚 Narcissists operate with a mindset akin to entitled toddlers, feeling entitled to everything.
🙚 They constantly crave validation and admiration, seeking to fill a void within themselves through manipulating of others.
🙚 Narcissists engage in constant comparison with others to compensate for their feelings of inadequacy.
🙚 They defend their perceived prestige aggressively and seek to elevate themselves by putting others down.
🙚 Despite their outward arrogance, narcissists lack true self-confidence and use it as a cover-up.
🙚 They have an insatiable appetite for validation and are never satisfied with what they have.
🙚 Victims should recognize the personal nature of narcissistic abuse but also understand that they are just one of many targets.
🙚 Narcissism is often a coping mechanism for deep-seated feelings of inferiority, but sympathy for narcissists should be limited as they can seek help but often choose not to.
🙚 Narcissism is acting superior to compensate for inferior feelings.

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