Extract || God has done everything for us and has set life & death for us to choose || Ask me 37

11 months ago

In this session we looked deeper into the understanding that the life we are living now is mostly for choosing between life or death, blessing or cursing. It struck me to say that God has done everything for us and has set life and death from the beginning and from generation to generation, we have continued to choose between life or death, blessing or cursing. We saw how life expectancy kept on going down. It has all this while been set from the beginning. We choose life by doing good and keeping the word of God and we choose death by doing evil, sin, iniquity and transgression. So all blessing is set and life is set but an heir differeth not from a servant so long he is a child Galatians 4:1. He owns all but yet does not posses, he needs to mature to get what has been set before him. And the maturity is not in age but in the grace and knowledge. So 2 Peter 3:18 admonishes us to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. So everything has been provided but we all need to grow into possession e.g. healing was provided over 2000 years ago but one needs to believe to receive it. Base on this I believe that God has actually done everything, it is us learning to live with all that He has given to us. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and EVERY OTHER THING will be added unto you. Watch, like, comment and share. God bless

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