March 12, 2024

11 months ago

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Whenever I see a woman driving a bus I smile and think about how far we as a society have come in Equality And then I wait for the next bus.
Recently I saw a woman driving with her hazards on. And I thought to myself, "At least she's honest."
A man runs over a woman in his car. Who's fault is it? The man's, he shouldn't drive in the kitchen.
How does a blind woman drive? Just like any other woman
How do you make a woman drive in a circle? Take away her rights.
"What started feminism?
An unlocked kitchen door."
"Humor is what separates us from animals.
And the feminists."
"Did you hear about the feminist light bulb?
It empowers itself."
"What is college feminism?
10,000 women who took Gender Studies to figure out why there aren’t enough female engineers."
"What’s a feminist’s favorite music festival?
Burning Man."

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