WEF Insider Reveals The ‘New 9 11’ Will Be a ‘Global Famine’ +TM 12-Mar-2024

3 months ago

The global elites are planning another false flag worse than 9/11 according to a World Economic Forum insider who claims the “systemic shock” caused by a devastating “global famine” will allow the elite to usher in mechanisms granting them tyrannical control over humanity.
Governments in the WEF-infiltrated European Union have been ordered to engage in wargames which simulate the upcoming global food crisis, according to the insider who warns the false flag will hit later in 2024 – and when it hits, it will hit hard.
Preparations for the elite’s false flag and power grab are underway and if you have been paying attention you can already see evidence of the deception everywhere you look.
We have been told how to fix the problems. Marhishi Yogi told us in the 70's John Hagelin PhD brings us up to date with proven tests that show how to stop the globalists. They do not understand this weapon. They do not understand Peace and Love. They thrive on heartache, pain and suffering.
They had to kill John Lennon because he brought too much peace, love and prosperity to the world.
Please follow this link the a meditation video that will present prayers and affirmations provided by Gene Decode and his group effort.
John Hagelin Ph.D

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