Scan Before Burning - Photo Album Torture & For The Record

11 months ago

"Hold on, fellas ... maybe we can work something out. How much is she paying you to seize these scans?" Disclaimer: with the new scanner, I'm digitizing a lot of paper and while I knew (duh) that these existed, the impact was hard and coincided with the Eric Heatherly song ... which I randomly picked up at a thrift store weeks ago and just decided to start playing NOW?

Too bizarre. Triggered a memory slideshow with the pics and almost seemed written for the occasion. I am NOT in some maudlin depression (past normal, yee-haw!) or anything "like that." In fact, (as if I care a rat's ass), there is still a LITTLE concern if any "associated parties" exist and may somehow see this and ... unduly react. If so, here I be. Nobody else responsible. I have zero clue of current circumstances. Relax; Welcome To Earth. This is not meant to be disrespectful or any games or blah, blah. Party has moved on so far that I doubt even the same have names applied for years.

No names, dates, locations, metadata or tags.

Vast years later can still seem like yesterday. Time to hide these away on some memory card or posting which will keep it for history / The Record and make me feel better about a bonfire. Why have physical albums laying around when a simple ice pick to jam in my ear works as well and is easier to control?
Who knows? Maybe best for all concerned despite my objections; cannot prove a negative. To sum it up, I'll likely die alone but had my shot and have no place to complain. She was enough to justify my existence and graced it beyond anything I would expect. Or perhaps deserve. Farewell the Beloved Lost. Youse Know Who Youse Is (speaking of which, for the benefit of any cronies, I still answer the door armed. You I can still outrun so all good).
SFX: dog shaking rapidly. I think I'll get out in the sun and go take a picture of a bird or something. Maybe a happy kitten-play video first? Cheers.

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