The Joe Biden Song 🎶Jello🎶 (A Banana Boat Song Parody)

11 months ago

This video is FAST APPROACHING 50K YouTube VIEWS in a little over 2 years; yet because I "insult their lord & master potato"; I am DENIED YOUTUBE ROYALTIES for high views😡
Unethical🤔😡 is a parody...but I have my rights as a parody artist! A similar situation happened with another parody I have here (The Plain White T's Parody: 🎶Coronavirus🎶)...& the original writers even put a "cease & desist" order with a COPYRIGHT STRIKE on it😡
(so I took it down...but reloaded it HERE)

Without further "a-do"...I give you:
🎶JELLO: The Joe Biden Song🎶


Naptime come & me wan' go home.

Jibberish come from Old Joe Biden!
(Naptime come & me wan' go home)
Kids at the pool on his lap be ridin'!
(Naptime come & me wan' go home)

C'mon, Mr. Taliban! We won't leave manãna.
(Naptime come & me wan' go home)

Hey! Me say HEY! Me say HEY! Me say...*snoring*
(Naptime come & me wan' go home)

6 months in, get NOTHING DONE!
(Naptime come & me wan' go home)
Jill got the jello! Gimme some!
(Naptime come & me wan' go home)

C'mon, Mr. Chinaman! Take over if you wanna!
(Naptime come & me wan' go home)
Mr. Chinese virologist, create more corona.
(Naptime come & me wan' go home)

Jello! Jello!
(Naptime come & me wan' go home)
Jello! Jello!
(Naptime come & me wan' go home)

6 trillion, 7, 8 trillion debt!
(Naptime come & me wan' go home)
Cause inflation you won't forget!
(Naptime come & me wan' go home)

C'mon CNN you can report more bolognã
(Naptime come & me wan' go home)
C'mon, Illegal Alien, vote for me 'cause you gotta!
(Naptime come & me wan' go home)

Hey! Me say hey, me say...*snoring*

Jello! Jello!
(Naptime come & me wan' go home)
Jello! Jello!
(Naptime come & me wan' go home)

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