CHINESE-WEF-WHO-UN-EU-NATO-Darpa targeted attack on LOCAL Water Supplies in TePuke, NZ

4 months ago

This video is court evidence against the Tapuika Tribe partners to the WEF Great Reset Agenda 2030 plandemic SMART cities hiding Water theft & control of resources & waste that can be weaponised for self gains. Its Confirmation the CCP-WEF-UN-WHO is installing Waters Pipes NEXT TO Sewage Pipes to poison the Population as Part Of SMART CITIES population reduction. We are seeing ecoli in water as an excuse of contamination to enact corrupt Emergency Powers
This is dirty business is happening out of sight in TePuke, Papamoa, Welcome Bay. Its a bio-terrorist attack on location House Addresses for Real Estate invasion to Declare an Emergency Powers again to take people off the land surrounding. I now have update info that a Water Pipe Parallel on opposite side of road was installed last year, now this is a sewage pipe install operation. These Pipes have Shutters inside them can be remote controlled. The companies acting as Westernbay & Tauranga Council gave consents. Theres a mass landgrab & commercial developments taking place there for Commercial Gated businesses to hide their pedo smuggling rings guarded by security. This is Not Good Business, but corrupt illegal crime syndicate partners that need plans axed. And Imposters acting as a Maori Tribe need prosecution & evicting with conspiring offenders.
View Redacted 10min into report:
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Update 2024: covid19 vaccine euthanasia by nazi freemason cult transexual LGBT politicians psychopaths, further confirms WHITE COLLARED Escalated 500% in New Zealand. We conclude 80% of the overpaid Workforce is a Scam! White society nazi heritage has been helping itself to Indigenous Sovereign private individual Native Title Deeds LANDOWNERS, nowdays via USA covid19 patent & dirty foreign imposter corporations & dirty banks registered to Federal Reserve Bank. White Collared Crime includes dirty freemason university degrees lawyers, judges of ALL fake courts held in contempt of court, fake medical society chemical companies murderers, fake finance firms including bankrupt bank businesses in NZX security stocks & bonds trading 'online' Internet Trading. This PYRAMID SOCIETY of rich, middle, poor class is at a Collapse. Their occult pedophile PORT Cities are Evil Satanic Ritual based Smuggling & Gambling Dens. RETURN Our Stolen Land you pedophiles! JUDEMENT DAY HAS FINALLY ARRIVED!

Nuremberg 2.0 Vaccination Genocide Judgement:
The charges we have brought, accused the offenders of having committed crimes against Humanity.
The same acts
We have declared under count 1 as crimes against humanity:
Are alleged under Count 2 as War Crimes.
Also added alleged under Count 3 using NZers as a medical military experiment for vaccine euthansasia population reduction to recover crown-vatican-rothschilds DEBT.
Dates of Offenses 2019 - 2024. Over a course of 5years.
It is therefore wholly fitting for this court & peoples public opinion & judgement to hear these Crimes & Judge them in the Name of Civilisation for 3 strikes & your out Guilty as charged.
Locally, nationally & internationally according to their positions held:
MATA Mahinarangi Forbes:
Maori Sovereign Native Land - fleeced Perpetual Leases:
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