Agenda 47 Turns Out Best Trump Campaign Ad Ever as Liberal Crying Over It 🤣😂🤪

3 months ago

A woke influencer recently listed the top 15 promises of Trump's Agenda 47. This was meant to be a slam against Trump and his proposed agenda. Let's just say it didn't go the way she wanted. Agenda 47 is gold, and for those who consider themselves WOKE, I suggest you take a listen. Any American in their right mind would completely agree with what Trump is proposing.

🇺🇲 Economic Prosperity for All
President Donald J. Trump ended the war on American Workers. He implemented massive tax cuts and regulation cuts to keep jobs, opportunity and wealth in America. President Trump replaced unfair trade deals and unleashed American Energy. He will tackle inflation, bring back our supply chains, end our dependence on China, and eliminate the socialist Green New Deal.

🇺🇲 Secure America’s Borders
Create the most secure border in U.S. history. President Trump ended catch-and-release, took down human traffickers, and built 450 miles of powerful new wall. He will eliminate asylum fraud, rapidly remove illegal alien gang members and criminals, destroy the drug cartels, and deliver a merit-based immigration system.

🇺🇲 Restore Public Safety
Quickly restore law and order to our country. President Trump will deliver record funding to hire and retrain police officers, put violent offenders and career criminals behind bars, and surge federal prosecutors and the National Guard into high-crime communities.

🇺🇲 Peace Through Strength
As Commander in Chief, President Trump rebuilt the military and kept America out of unnecessary foreign wars. He will renew America's standing in the world and build a state-of-the-art next-generation missile defense shield.

🇺🇲 Reclaim Free Speech
President Trump is absolutely committed to ending the systematic censorship of the American people. He will fire federal bureaucrats engaged in censoring lawful speech, ban federal agencies from censoring speech, and pass a digital bill of rights.

🇺🇲 Dismantle the Deep State
President Trump will Drain the Swamp once and for all, and restore government by the People. He will end the weaponization of the justice system, the FBI, and the DOJ. He will conduct a top-to-bottom overhaul of the federal bureaucracies to clean out the rot and corruption of Washington D.C.


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