Mon 11Mar24 — Year 4 of Globalist War Yet Americans Ready to Re-Elect Quislings

3 months ago

(2:00) On this day, FOUR YEARS ago, WHO declared a "global pandemic"
• 81 nations had not even pretended to have a single "case", another 51 nations had fewer than 10 "cases"
• What did Trump know and when did he know it? The timing of "orders"
• Fiat cash for fiat orders
• Martial Law — without declaration
• Bipartisan Betrayal
(32:45) Lawsuit filed in Hollywood over religious exemption to vaccine — follower of "Church of Universal Wisdom".  Where do we draw the line on exemptions?

(34:54) WSJ says Americans lost work ethic "due to pandemic".  They got a taste of UNIVERSAL WELFARE, aka Universal Basic Income, and loved it.  Another globalist precedent set by President Trump

(35:54) User comments on the above

(56:15) April 2020 — when I first showed prototypes of vaccine passports and Dark Winter plans

(57:41) Big Conservative (BigCon) Media pushes MEASLES panic to push vaccines. 
Even BigCon "brought to you by Pfizer" 

(1:07:51) "You're Welcome Joe" — MAGA Influencers Hallucinate as Trump Boasts of Crimes Against Humanity It's getting harder to thread the needle and continue to support Trump
• What do the ReAwaken America grifters say about Trump boasting about the vaccine after SOTU.  Here's one guy who's made a career about the evils of the vaccine explaining how he STILL supports Trump
• CVS employee admits she knows people who died from the shot, but is STILL offering it to customers — hey, it's YOUR choice said Bill Mitchell
• Did Trump TRY to give people HCQ/Ivermectin?  Why didn't he GIVE IT AWAY for free like the mRNA Genetic Code Injections?
• There was a "good shot".  Who manufactured the "good shot" for Trump? Who got the "good shot"?  Did Trump give it to his supporters?
• Was Trump speaking in code about 15 years? 
• Was the vaccine to save us from lockdown — that HE imposed?
• Trump would NEVER had mandated vaccines?  He called for it in 2019 and signed an Executive Order in 2020 to do it for the military
• Trump and his supporters blame China for the "Wu-Flu".  But Trump said he would take a vaccine from China if they were first
• Trump saved lives with his shot?  He should have his face put on rebuilt Georgia Guidestones
• Trump says he will CUT MONEY to schools that mandate jabs and masks after PAYING THEM to do it when he was President
(1:42:57) TikTok Ban: Bannon Says "Trump is For SALE"
It wouldn't be the first time (or the last) he sold us out. Should TikTok be banned? 

(1:54:07:03) A couple of quick observations about Biden SOTU
• Making a virtue of murdering children (and then Nancy Mace with Stephanopolous does the same on Sunday)
• Apologies for saying "illegal alien" when referring to the murder of "Lincoln" Riley
• "They built this country"
• Paid $10 Million for showing signs of life at SOTU
(2:06:38) Listener comments

(2:09:06) Plagiarism in Hollywood - surprise?  Oscar nominated (5 noms) is brazenly, totally copied from a script Hollywood didn't even want to make a decade ago.  How fast it's fallen. 
And Washington Post talks about when Hollywood filmmakers WERE Marxist propagandists — WERE?

(2:18:23) FDA fails to catch heavy metal contamination in apple sauce.  Imagine our surprise.  Politico casts desire for clean food and raw milk as political divide of right vs left.  Meanwhile, Reuters is astonished that people right AND left are prepping

(2:39:00) Listener comments

(2:39:00) Prepping the public for martial law
• Subway Subversion in New York City
• Nowhere was freedom destroyed by "pandemic" narrative more than in Hong Kong
• Conservative states push e-Verify mandates and ID as "solution" to the border manufacture problem
(2:55:23) School choice, the money trap, and homeschool recommendations

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