Katie Britt Confronted on Fox About Using a Decades-Old Sex Trafficking Story to Attack Biden in Her SOTU Response

3 months ago

BREAM: “But let’s talk about your response to the State of the Union Address, which has gotten a lot of headlines. One of the fans is former President Trump, he loved it, he said it was compassionate and caring. But you’ve had a lot of critics out there, and I want to talk about specifically one anecdote that I’ve heard you tell before. It is a horrific story of sex trafficking survivor. Nobody is questioning that the story happened, that she is actually who she is — says she is and that this happened The question is about the timing and the implication of you telling the story. The New York Times says this: ‘None of this happened during President Biden’s administration, but that didn’t stop the first-term senator from strongly implying that the president could have somehow prevented it from happening, using rhetoric that seemed calibrated to inflame the public fears about immigration.’ Did you mean to give the impression that this horrible story happened on President Biden’s watch?”
BRITT: “No, Shannon. Look, I very specifically said, ‘This is what President Biden did during his first 100 days.’ Minutes after coming into office, he stopped all deportations, he halted construction of the border wall, and he said, ‘I am going to give amnesty to millions.’ Those types of things act as a magnet to have more and more people here. I then said, ‘In his first 100 days, he had 94 executive actions, and those executive actions did not just create the crisis, they invited it.’ I then contrasted it with my first 100 days. Shannon, I went to the border three times in my first 100 days in office. When I was there, I asked for the real, unvarnished truth. I wanted to sit down, I asked the Border Patrol agents, I asked the people there, I asked the victims, previous victims of drug cartels, ‘Tell me what it is like, tell me what we need to do, tell me what we need to know.’ The truth is, and the media knows this yet they’re not covering it, that human trafficking has gone up under President Biden. If you look back on 2018, it was a $500 million industry, human trafficking cartels. It is now a $13 billion industry, Shannon. The drug cartels are winning under this. This is a story of what is happening now at an astronomical rate, and we have to bring attention to it, we have to tell those stories, and the liberal media needs to pay attention to it, because they are victims all the way coming to the border, they are victims at the border, and then they are victims all throughout our country. To me, it is disgusting to try to silence the voice of telling the story of what it is like to be sex-trafficked when we know that that’s one of the things that the drug cartels are profiting most off of.”
BREAM: “Okay. But to be clear, the story you relate is not something that’s happened under the Biden Administration, that particular person?”
BRITT: “I very clearly said, I spoke to a woman who told me about when she was trafficked when she was 12. So, I didn’t say a teenager, I didn’t say a young woman. A grown woman, a woman, when she was trafficked when she was 12. So listening to her story, she’s a victims’ rights advocate who was telling, ‘This is what drug cartels are doing. This is how they are profiting off of women, and it is disgusting.’ And so I am hopeful that it brings some light to it and we can actually do something about human trafficking and that that’s what the media actually decides to cover.”

BREAM: “Okay.”

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