How To, How NOT To: Capture a Pig

6 years ago

Need to know the best way to capture a pig? Like almost everything else in life, there are many "how to" and there are many "how NOT to". Check out this clip -- two teen boys try and capture their pig, one boy stands on the opposite side of the pig with a giant foam wall cut out and the other boy does the same.

They try to trap the pig between their self-made foam wall but the squirrely swine is too quick. They clearly need to stop and reassess their game plan, which is exactly what they do. Unfortunately for them, the pig didn't need extra time, it ran straight through the boys knocking one of them to the ground. Here is a tip:

How To: be patient and don't approach the pig in a panic.
How NOT To: approach the pig in a panic and then let your guard down.

ps. If you come across and are looking to catch a flying pig... you're on your own, pal.

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