Live Under The Curse or Blessing | Galatians 3:10

4 months ago

For all who rely on works of the law are under a curse; for it is written, “Cursed be everyone who does not abide by all things written in the Book of the Law, and do them.” — Galatians 3:10

CALL OUT: Shout out to Resolute, all my current Board Members, and those who've journeyed with us over the past decade. Today marks our tenth anniversary since our inception. Looking ahead to the next decade, I'm eager to expand our reach, deepen discipleship, and offer even more valuable resources and support to men within the church. I want each of you to be integral to this journey. For those of you who listen daily to these devotionals, I want you to know I'm committed to delivering them until I've covered the entire Bible. I will continue to provide great studies through the Bible. And to every generous donor who has supported our mission, a heartfelt thank you. Your contributions make all of this possible. With your assistance, we're impacting millions of men each year.

So, this text has some super interesting history that Paul is hinting at here.

The curse he referenced is spoken about in Deuteronomy 27-28. This Scripture is the account of Israel's inaugural entry into the promised land. Moses instructed the people on how vital it was to keep the Law of God as they entered this new season. He ordered men to build a legal monument on two separate mountains: one in the Desert and one in the Promised Land (i.e., Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal). Then, a long list of curses is shouted from the leaders on each mountain to the people below. The list of curses is found in Deuteronomy 27:15-26. The point of doing this was to forever embed in their hearts, minds, and souls the importance of obedience to God's Law and the curses upon them if they were disobedient. It's worth a read if you have not read it before because the words and scenes are chilling.

Paul, without a doubt, had these curses memorized. History tells us that he endured five severe floggings, each time receiving "39 lashes" from synagogue leaders (2 Corinthians 11:24). During these lashings, it was mandated that the curses from Deuteronomy 27:15-26 be recited. This means Paul had these curses ingrained in his mind and beaten into his body multiple times. Also, before his conversion, he justified the lashing of others. So, better than most, Paul understood the curse he referenced here.

Yet Paul also understood that we are all cursed. The Law of God curses all men because only one man was obedient to the whole Law—Jesus Christ, which brings us to the ultimate point. Relying on our work is to live cursed but relying on Jesus's work is to live blessed.

Today, consciously shift your reliance from your works to the finished work accomplished by Jesus on Mount Calvary's Cross. Embrace the blessing that he shouts down to you that the curse of the Law no longer binds you but you are a recipient of all God's grace.

#GraceOverWorks #CursedNoMore #ChristFinishedWork #FromCurseToBlessing #EmbracingGodsGrace


Reflect on a time when you found yourself striving to earn God's favor through your own works. How did this mindset affect your relationship with God and others? What changes can you make today to shift your reliance onto Christ's finished work?
In what areas of your life do you still struggle to fully trust in God's grace rather than your own efforts? How can you intentionally remind yourself of the freedom and blessing found in Christ's redemption, especially when facing challenges or temptations?
DO THIS: Shift reliance from your work to His work.

PRAY THIS: Father, I humbly surrender my striving and efforts, choosing to trust fully in the grace and finished work of your Son, Jesus Christ. Renew my mind daily to live in the freedom and blessing of your redemption, and empower me to extend this grace to others. Amen.

PLAY THIS: God Help Me.

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