Recently I saw a woman driving with her hazards on. And I thought to myself, At least she's honest.

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10 Women's Jokes. Take it with Humor.......Recently I saw a woman driving with her hazards on. And I thought to myself, "At least she's honest." A man runs over a woman in his car. Who's fault is it? The man's, he shouldn't drive in the kitchen. How does a blind woman drive? Just like any other woman How do you make a woman drive in a circle? Take away her rights. What started feminism? An unlocked kitchen door. Humor is what separates us from animals. And the feminists. Did you hear about the feminist light bulb? It empowers itself. What is college feminism? 10,000 women who took Gender Studies to figure out why there aren’t enough female engineers. What’s a feminist’s favorite music festival? Burning Man. What’s a feminist’s least favorite food? Gender rolls. What do you call intelligent people inside a feminist building? Pizza delivery guy. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime. Teach a feminist to fish and she will accuse you of patronizing her, claim she knew how to do it anyway, and that even if she didn’t, she could easily work it out without the help of a man. What do feminists say at the end of their prayers? Awomen. Why did the wife didn’t know it was International Women’s Day? Because there's no calendar in the kitchen. Do you know why women and children are always evacuated first in any emergency situation? So that all the men can think and come up with a solution in peace and quiet. What would happen if women ruled the world? There would be no war. Just a bunch of countries not talking to each other. Why should you never treat a woman like an object? Itt hates that. What do you call a woman with an opinion? Wrong. Why are women so bad at parking? Because they’ve been lied to about what 8 inches look like their whole lives. Companies that consider themselves modern often have a ‘diversity officer’. Why is that role always done by a woman? Because it is cheaper. They say a woman’s work is never done. Maybe that’s why they get paid less. What do you call a woman who has 4 sons that are all CEOs? An executive producer. Why can’t two women play Monopoly together? There’s only one iron. What do you call a sword only used by women? A broadsword. What’s the difference between Iron Man and Iron Woman? One is a superhero, the other is a command.

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