Hyenas for Kids | Learn all about this giggling animal

1 month ago

Apart from that recognizable laugh, what do you know about hyenas? Why do they laugh in the first place? Hyenas for Kids is a great video to teach you some fun facts about these mammals and their behaviors. That laugh, for instance, is a way for them to communicate with each other to say hello and all is well.

Hyenas are very skilled predators and are capable of taking down small and large animals. They are also scavengers and will consume the remains of dead animals, either ones that died naturally or were killed by other predators. A hyena's stomach juices acids and digestive enzymes allow them to break down substances that would be difficult for other animals to digest.

Because they clean up after other animals, hyenas are like hidden superheroes that work hard to maintain balance in their environment. It would be a huge mess if all this old food piled up and there weren't any animals to take care of it. Hyenas are up for the job because those strong stomach juices can break down even bones and kill germs that would make other animals sick.

We hope you and your student(s) enjoyed learning about these cool dogs! If you want to learn even more, head over to our website and download one of our many lesson plans about animals, full of activities, worksheets, and more!

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