Zionist Gotcha

10 months ago

Zionists in Israel resort to violence because they know reason is not on their side. Galloway explains.
~Robin Monotti

Love it, George Galoway is a very knowledgable man, but demonised by the media for his truths. What George didn't say to this young parrot was Arthur Balfour was working with the zionists in the City of London; I wouldn't be surprised to discover Balfour being a zionist too. This young caller is typical of the fools that get churned out of the woke marxist-zionist "education" (indoctrination) system. I just wish George Galoway had told this caller that for 15 years the newspapers (run by zionists) were frequently pushing the "six million jews" narrative for the purpose of predictive mind-programming prior to the planned, orchestrated start of WW2. I also think George Galloway had made it simpler for the muppet by saying "tonight I will give YOUR home to a Palestinian family because they have been victimised and persecuted for 75 years+". Israel is a Rothschild Zionist project for the purpose of building the third temple and installing the anti-christ and starting the New World Order as written by the zionist Freemasons, in particular satanic scumbag Albert Pike.

This speech from George Galoway also hammered home the close relationship between muslims and zionists, because they are of the same kin, and why the zionist freemason's sect The Shriners wear a Fez. The Christians are similarly controlled by the same scumbags Freemasons and Jesuits, whose objective was to destroy Christianity, hence the Pope sitting between the fangs in the mouth of a Viper in the Paul VI Audience Hall; they are charlatans. All three religions controlled opposition, controlled by the satanic bloodlines.

The Jewish Zionist-Communist-Bolshevik Lenin dropped one of the first red-pills many years ago, the cabal have used the same playbook for years. Ireland's IRA was lead by controlled opposition by the zionists in the City of London. This is how they have controlled us, the same playbook, controlling both sides, creating fear....problem>reaction>solution. This is why the world is so satanic, because this is the Luciferian New World Order in play.

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves"
- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

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