Absolutely unbelievable, this is why you shouldn’t trust any government.

2 months ago

After World War II the British government decided to randomly drop a nuclear bomb right next to 20,000 British soldiers just to see what would happen. What a sick and vile experiment.
About the photo:
NATO fighter jets get green light to carry "nukes" as tension with Russia soars
A NATO stealth fighter has been certified to carry nukes including the terrifying B61-12 thermonuclear gravity bomb as tensions between NATO and Russia hit a boiling point.
The F-35A Joint Strike Fighter has become the first stealth fighter of its class to be green-lit to carry nuclear weapons.
These wars are meant to scare us into mindless submission under the guise of faux-protective but actual tyrannical measures as well as to distract us from our true, common, enemy/ies.
And when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be; but the end shall not be yet.
Mark 13:7
Note: I am not the producer of this content. I only provide the content for your entertainment. I'm not here to get likes or even followers but very pleased if you do.
If you see that I have posted a false or incorrect content PLEASE let me know.
PS ThankQ for all the follows. I am humbled...
If I were the Deep State
The Spanish Flu cover up. It was the vaccine that killed people.
One hour and twenty one mins....
The True Story of Angel Studios link;
How This Little Studio DEFEATED Disney & DESTROYED Woke Hollywood.
"Trevor Loudon exposes Marxist, communist ties of US Senators, Governors and members of Congress"
When everything is going totally downhill, run the UFO psy ops all over again.
This documentary is long but it will open your minds to what the conflict in Ukraine is really all about!

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