Minnesota Man Sentenced to Only 6 Months for HORRIBLE Crimes

1 month ago

This is a pathetic sentence in my opinion.

Thank you so much for watching!

https://www.postbulletin.com/news/local/rochester-man-charged-for-raping-9-year-old https://dailycaller.com/2023/01/31/under-six-months-jail-sexual-assult-young-girls/ https://www.kimt.com/news/rochester-man-gets-30-years-probation-for-child-sex-crimes/article_f2248606-a10d-11ed-b436-bf6fa564ef94.html https://www.kaaltv.com/news/top-news/rochester-man-pleads-guilty-to-sexually-abusing-children/

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Editing Software: Filmora

I try my best to thoroughly research my true came cases and present the facts as best I can. If anything I say is incorrect, it is not intentional. I also include common theories and my opinions on the cases. Those should not be construed as fact. All opinions expressed are my own.

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