Scientists at South Korea's Yonsei University say people will like fake beef stuffed into fake rice

10 months ago

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Bill Gates is questioned about using Mra, Messenger or Modified rna shots to cure a long list of "problems", he should be convicted of CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY 🤬

Hakeem Jeffries was asked about Joe Biden's very low rating among voters so as usual he waved his hands around, paused while speaking, and spread propaganda, just like Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama 🤡

If fake rice and fake meat are gross and dangerous to ANYONE'S health, why not mix them and have goo stuffed fake rice, that should fix it 🤮

Scientists at South Korea's Yonsei University have "invented" a sustainable, high-protein food made by growing cow cells, FOREVER CELLS, from ABORTED COW PARTS and then stuffing that lab grown crap they call JUST LIKE COWS into grains of FAKE rice and they think people will love it 💩

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