Eric Schmidt Partners With British Cabal Rhoades Trust to Groom Traitors to Help Enslave Humanity

1 year ago

Eric Schmidt Partners With British Cabal Rhoades Trust to Groom Traitors to Help Enslave Humanity 3-5-2020
In disruptive times, the power comes from people: An interview with Eric Schmidt - March 5, 2020 
March 5, 2020
Eric Schmidt - McKinsey Report
As we enter a new golden age of technological innovation, nurturing talent will become more critical, according to the former chairman of Alphabet.
Silicon Valley, Eric Schmidt is regularly tapped for his views on the future of technology and how the latest disruptive innovations in areas such as artificial intelligence could shape the world. Yet he’s quick to point out that it’s the people behind the technology who make the difference, a sentiment he admits is oft repeated yet still somehow underestimated. Developing young talent into the inventors and leaders of tomorrow is a major focus of Schmidt’s philanthropic efforts—and Rise, a new joint initiative between Schmidt Futures and the Rhodes Trust, embodies that mission.
At the recent McKinsey BLINK Conference in the United Kingdom, Schmidt spoke about the dizzying speed of disruption, as well as how to nurture and position people to harness technological dynamism for the greater good of organizations and society. This is an edited version of his remarks.
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Eric Schmidt on Talent
Diversity of talent is key to innovation, but there’s more to be done, stresses Eric Schmidt, former chairman of Alphabet.
New technologies that allow a paradigm shift in the way we solve problems would be profound. Many of today’s toughest problems exist because we are at the limit of what we can understand.
With the right people, both large and smaller businesses can continue to thrive. There’s an argument I hear all the time: that, in the future, only large companies will exist, because they have access to the most data, and he or she who has all the data has control. While it’s true that centralization in certain situations has provided economic power, it’s much more likely that there are new sources of power. Consider, for example, the power of an online minority to spread misinformation, to make something seem more important.
Further to this point, in artificial intelligence and machine learning, there’s a great deal of research on how to build algorithms using much less data than is currently required. This notion that he or she who has the most data wins is ultimately going to be a temporal phenomenon. I think what we’ll discover is that he or she who has the smartest engineers developing the smartest algorithms is the one who will win.
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AI Will NOT Make You Smarter. It will make you become RELIANT on using it, until some day in the near future it will Replace Completely. Then you will realize you were extremely Stupid to not oppose it from the beginning.
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