Fine-Tuning Your Life Part 2 ~ Making Your Home A Better Place to Be – B

11 months ago

Fine-Tuning Your Life Part 2
Making Your Home A Better Place to Be – B

By Pastor Gary Wayne

This Morning I want to continue a series of messages on fine tuning your life. I want to cover three areas: 1. Making you Home a better place to be.
2. Making your Church a better place to go.
3. Making your community a better place to live.

Last week we talked about starting with yourself at home. Draw a circle and start there. To make your home a better place to be, start by working on who you are.

Text: Joshua 1:6-9, Deuteronomy 6:4-9
In Josh.1, notice in ver.8 how important it is to have the Word of God as a centerpiece in our homes.

Our homes should be a place where the presence of God is comfortable.
Take look at what takes place in our home that is conducive to the presence of God thriving where I live.

In 2 Samuel 6 we find the story of the Ark of the Covenant being temporarily left by King David at the house of Obed-Edom’s house.
It is probably an understatement that Obed’s home had an instant atmosphere change overnight. How he treated his wife, his kids, what kind of TV programs he chose to watch. What kind of language he used.

If God came to your house to hang out for a few weeks, what wound change?
Be mindful and purposeful about remembering that Jesus lives in our home, every room; kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and living room. He’s not only in our hearts but in our home!

This is the attitude where we should live REGULARLY.
Create an atmosphere where the presence of God is comfortable.

Take more time to read study material that has helps me respond quicker to the Spirit's correction.

The lord builds the homes, we as his children fill the home. Be quick to listen and slow to speak.
Praying and Giving thanks in all circumstances making melody and worshipping the Lord thru every season in our life.

Make quality time for praise and worship - Dedicate more time to talk & listen to Jesus
Make more room in my heart for Jesus
Listen to more Christian music Watch more Christian ministries
Re-dedicate my life to God Love and pray for my neighbors more often

Remember that if you're not joyful, you're doing something wrong.
When the joy leaves, make the necessary changes to bring it back ASAP.
Pride is usually the reason.

Play the bible in the background of your home.
Create Atmosphere!

If I wanted to make my home a better place to be, I would be serious about working on the relationships in my home.

“I am crucified with Christ and I no longer live. Jesus Christ now lives in me.”
“I esteem others better than myself”.
I quit thinking everything revolves around self and put God and others first! This is what I am working on but I can’t do it by myself, oh wretched woman that I am.
I need to surrender to the Spirit more and more - completely - to work in me cause I’m a failure of trying to do so in my own fleshly effort.
Our relationships with those closest to us is our teaching grounds for learning to be Christlike.
Also praying together as a family and teaching kids to love and be comfortable in a praying relationship with God.

Start with your marriage.
Husbands – Wives, focus on your task to be the right kind of spouse.
Sit down and make a list of priorities in marriage, then you work on those priorities yourself.
If you see areas your partner needs to work on – pray about it.
Let God change them, then spend time talking to Him about you.

For my home to be a better place to live, I need to make the most important relationships I have become better, and then move to excellent.

I would set a specific time for reading the Bible, in my case the morning when I’m most alert, to set the tone for the day.

Spend quality time asking God, “How can I make my home a better place to be.”

Next week’s survey: If I were to make my church a better place to go, I
would _______?

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