(11.) "Worldemergency Homes"Renewable Energy Affordable Bass Community Facilities

10 months ago

World emergency Portable Homes 5 Building portable, renewable energy facilities, into homes, schools, offices, emergency medical units and portable Farms will be some of the many products manufactured and utilize within the ALA Ambassador Alliance and successfully sold, throughout the International Community. Every member, within The Alliance, will mutually benefit. The Department of Renewable Energy, providing Facility Kits. Critical, instant, infrastructure facilities, strongly built and portable, utilizing renewable energy, is what’s highly sought-after by corporations and government agencies worldwide; again, giving us instant international marketability and a clientele list with endless success. Many oil-producing nations and members of OPEC are planning for the future, seeking a new form of revenue, apart from oil. The future of Smart, Renewable Energy Facilities, an industry producing trillions in new revenue. is today. The Global Community will proactively prosper becoming greener and cleaner, beyond the old Kyoto Protocol or even the new Paris Environmental Agreement.

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