3 months ago

>> This was a supremely important class. The next class will be a continuation of this class, and it’s likely that all of our subsequent classes will build on the topics mentioned here. In my opinion understanding the issues presented here is crucial to success in any attempt to learn the Bible. This is also one of the very few classes we have had that could be a stand-alone class and does not depend very heavily on the previous classes, which means that new viewers could start here as a sample.
>> At multiple points Doug and I mentioned the New American Standard Bible, or NASB. The following quotes are from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_American_Standard_Bible. “The New American Standard Bible (NASB, also simply NAS for New American Standard) is a translation of the Bible in contemporary English. Published by the Lockman Foundation, the complete NASB was released in 1971. … new revisions were published in 1995 and 2020.” “The NASB is an original translation from the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts. It is an update of the American Standard Version (ASV) of 1901, which itself was a revision of the 1885 Revised Version (RV), which updated the King James Version (KJV).”
>> At 18:27 to 19:40. I took the trip to Texas in 2012.
>> At 19:51 I made a comment with regards to “every significant prophet.” The background for that statement is that in my opinion (emphasis), Ezekiel and Daniel are books that have some significance, but they are not the works of truly significant prophets by those names.
>> At 20:23 to 21:17. I discovered that “God’s Voice” had been wiped out of most modern translations of the Bible in 2017.
>> At 53:00 to 53:40. With regards to the date of Dante’s Inferno, the following is from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divine_Comedy. “The Divine Comedy … is an Italian narrative poem by Dante Alighieri, begun c. 1308 and completed around 1321, shortly before the author's death. It is widely considered the pre-eminent work in Italian literature and one of the greatest works of Western literature. … It is divided into three parts: Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso.”
>> At 1:35:59 to 1:36:09, where I mentioned Valley Forge as a symbol of sacrifice, the student should note that this is a meaning of “sacrifice” that is ENTIRELY different from the meaning of sacrifice to God as mentioned in the Bible and propounded by orthodox Christianity.

>> At 8:04 to 8:20, Zoom did not record the third clip that I showed. It was from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, at time index about 9:08 in the movie, where Harry says “You’re lying.”
>> At 19:36 to 19:37, “but I didn’t know that it was in the Bible,” I could have added “and was surprised to find it there because 2000 years of orthodox and proto-orthodox Christian belief has been based on the validity and absolute necessity of sacrifice.”
>> At 20:08 to 20:16, “adamantly opposed to 1700 years, or more, of Christian doctrine” would have been more complete as “adamantly opposed to the doctrine of almost all of the epistles except James and adamantly opposed to 1700 years, or more, of Christian doctrine.”
>> At 38:13 to 38:16 I mentioned Mount Horeb as a location distinct from Mount Sinai. Further research revealed that most scholars think Horeb and Sinai are two different names for the same place. The following is from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Horeb. “Mount Horeb … is the mountain at which the Ten Commandments were given to Moses by God, according to the Book of Deuteronomy …. It is described in two places (the Book of Exodus and the Books of Kings) as … "Mountain of Elohim". … In other biblical passages, these events are described as having transpired at Mount Sinai. Although most scholars consider Sinai and Horeb to have been different names for the same place, there is a minority body of opinion that they may have been different locations.”
>> At 51:00 to 51:08, “How they sacrificed their children was they burned them to death.” It’s possible they might have slain the children in a more merciful manner, and then burned their bodies after killing them.
>> At 57:57 to 58:02 the World English Bible was not the last Bible on the list which translated Gehenna honestly. In fact it was second to last; the last one was Young’s Literal Translation.
>> At 1:02:54 to 1:03:01, the copyright on my copy of the NASB is 1973, which is why I thought the translation was completed in 1973. In fact it was released in 1971. See notes above under “NOTES ON THE 3-6-24 CLASS.”
>> At 1:13:42 to 1:13:48, “the first time” was meant to be “the first time that I know of.”
>> At 1:27:36 to 1:28:35, Doug was right and I was wrong about the King James Version. The following is from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_James_Version. “The task of translation was undertaken by 47 scholars, although 54 were originally approved. All were members of the Church of England and all except Sir Henry Savile were clergy.”
>> At 1:28:16 to 1:28:23, “New King James Bible” was meant to be “King James Bible.”
>> At 1:28:35 to 1:29:46, it appears that I was right about the New English Bible. The following is reformatted but is from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_English_Bible. Contributors and sponsors: Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland, British and Foreign Bible Society, Church of England, Church of Scotland, Congregational Church in England and Wales, Council of Churches for Wales, Irish Council of Churches, London Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, Methodist Church of Great Britain, National Bible Society of Scotland, Presbyterian Church of England.
>> At 1:42:31 to 1:42:34, “ancient manuscripts of Matthew” was meant to be “ancient manuscripts of Mark.”
>> At 1:47:01 to 1:47:04 “chapter four” was meant to be “Mark chapter nine.”

>> At 18:58 to 19:17, the reference was to Isaiah 1:10-20.

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