Common Complaint: "Scrum doesn't work here!"

10 months ago

“Scrum is not working in today’s software engineering industry.”

That is a little like saying: there are high rates of obesity in society, so that must mean healthy foods aren’t working. But clearly there are counter-signals that are causing obesity and preventing people from eating a healthy diet.

If Scrum isn‘t “working” in today’s software engineering industry, then perhaps there are counter-signals in the industry that are preventing teams from employing Scrum effectively.

Let's talk about 3 common counter-signals.

00:00 "Scrum doesn't work here." (Common Complaint)
00:20 Counter-signals
00:30 Common pitfalls
00:44 "Open Office" floorplans
01:35 "Shared Service" groups instead of cross-functional teams
02:09 Financial gates that reinforce the waterfall
02:37 Learn to release funds for business outcomes
03:12 Scrum is not a Silver Bullet
03:43 How to achieve the intended results of Scrum

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