Biden: Trump Was 'Flat-Footed' In Dealing With Covid (Warp-Speed)…'Had To Start Vaccinating America'

9 months ago

After the State of the Union address, in which some described Joe Biden as amped up — with some even speculating on whether he was given something to help pump him up — we're now back to the same old Joe. But it seems even worse. He was doing a virtual campaign event on Saturday, but even with his handler wife by his side, he was clearly struggling not only to read the teleprompter but to have any kind of coherence and to understand what he was trying to say.

But even that was untrue, as we can recall. Biden didn't do anything — he inherited the vaccine. It was former President Donald Trump who declared a public emergency while the Democrats were accusing him of racism. All Biden did was be a fascist about things like kicking people out of the military if they refused the vaccine. Meanwhile, check out Jill's face as she stands there. She looks like she'd like to dig a hole to get out of there, but this is on her — she's the one who allegedly pushed him to run because of her hatred of Trump.

• More at: RedState - Biden Crashes After SOTU: Struggle to Read Teleprompter Is Concerning and Jill's Face Is Something Else
Rumble: Biden Was Really Struggling To Read His Teleprompter During His Virtual 'National Organizing Call'
Rumble: Sleepy Joe Biden Goes Back To Delaware On Yet Another Day Of Vacation, Using The Short Stairs

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