Episode 152: Team Room Confidential with Navy SEAL Liam Cogan

11 months ago

When the disciplined precision of a Navy SEAL collides with the free-spirited nature of entrepreneurship, the result is an episode brimming with raw insights and hard-earned wisdom. Join us as retired SEAL, Liam Cogan, takes us through his transformative journey from the ranks of the military to the open-ended adventure of building his own business. He peels back the curtain on the realizations and fears that come with such a stark transition and shares how he swapped the pursuit of high-paying, unfulfilling jobs for a life that truly echoes his values.

Be sure to follow Liam on all of his Social Media Channels posted below and be sure to check out his website silentbuttdeadly.org

LinkedIn: Liam Cogan

Facebook: Silent Butt Deadly


Youtube: @SilentButtDeadly-uh1zf

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