South Korea Citizens Speak Out Against the Covid Vaccine Catastrophe

11 months ago

03/09/2024 South Korea citizens: During the COVID pandemic, no one has suffered more than the families of the victims of the COVID-19 vaccine. The government mandates the population to receive vaccines that have not undergone sufficient clinical trials and safety confirmation, resulting in a large number of deaths and severe cases. The official numbers say that 2700 people are dead and 19000 have been injured, but the actual numbers are at least 10 times higher.
03/09/2024 韩国民众:在新冠疫情期间,没有人比新冠疫苗受害者家庭遭受的苦难更多。政府强制要求民众接种尚未经过充分临床试验和安全确认的疫苗,导致大量死亡和严重病例。官方数据称有2700人死亡,19000人受伤,但实际数字至少是官方数字的10倍。

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