The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan is in play... WAKE UP

11 months ago

It's happening everywhere!! Literally! When will everyone care???? When it happens to someone they know??? CARE NOW!!!!!


The lust for killing innocent people is satanic, just like the Nephilm mating with continues. The "hate crime" laws (which are not laws) is used just in the same way as the "anti-semite" laws that only apply to protect satanic zionists who are NOT Semitic. The Courts and Police are run by Freemasons, and the Freemasons are also satanic and operate under the Talmud. The Vatican is deeply satanic and run by the Jesuits, who like the Freemasons are all part of the pyramid of power, all under Lucifer.

What is coming, soon....will be biblical....nothing can stop what is coming. 2020 was the start of God's IQ test and all those who engaged in evil practices, who pissed on the weak, the poor, the vulnerable, and this includes judges, politicians, police, doctors, and many more .... well, you'll see. Bad choices = Bad prizes

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