Measles and Immune Amnesia with Ashley Hagen, M.S.

6 months ago

In 2024 to date, dozens of measles cases have already been reported from multiple states herein the US, according to the CDC.

And cases are increasing worldwide as the World Health Organization announced recently reporting more than 300,000 cases in 2023, a 79% increase from the year prior.

My guest today writes about measles and immune amnesia: The risk associated with measles infection is much greater than the sum of its observable symptoms. The immune memories that you have acquired are priceless, built over many years and from countless exposures to a menagerie of germs. Measles virus is especially dangerous because it has the ability to destroy what’s been earned: immune memory from previous infections.

Joining me today to talk about measles, the importance of vaccination and immune amnesia is Ashley Hagen, MS. Ashley is the Scientific and Digital Editor for the American Society for Microbiology and host of ASM's Microbial Minutes and Meet the Microbiologist.

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