@RealChristianService – John 13:1-17

1 month ago

If you're on social media, perhaps you've run across a celebrity account with a name that starts with 'real'. For instance, I have seen both @RealScottBaio and @RealJamesWoods. When celebrities use 'real' in their social media monikers, they do so to distinguish their online accounts from impostors who might also be using their names. Well, I got to thinking about that in light of today's text in chapter 13.

There are a lot of impostors in Christianity. There are a lot of people who look to Christianity as a way to get something from God. The practice of their faith isn't one of service to the LORD, it's one of heaping blessings on themselves, making themselves feel better, or even taking the moral high ground. But folks, Christianity has service at its core – service to God the Father, by way of the Son and through the power of the Holy Spirit. Today, we are going to get a glimpse of what real service looks like.

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