Tiny Spines, Mighty Health: Pediatric Chiropractic Insights

3 months ago

As a seasoned birth Doula, I find amusement in the familiar expressions on new moms' faces when I suggest considering a pediatric chiropractic evaluation for their newborns. The unfamiliarity creates an expression of confusion or unsureness, which is precisely why I've curated today's podcast.

Reflecting on my experience as a new mom 15 years ago, I was oblivious to the profound impact chiropractic care could have on infants and children. Its capacity to regulate the nervous system, aid in bowel regulation, potentially influence sleeping patterns, enhance digestion, and facilitate easier nursing was mind blowing. Little did I know that so much of the stress on new mothers could potentially be alleviated by a simple visit to a chiropractor. The birthing process itself serves as a significant stressor, potentially leading to misalignments that might result in a fussier baby than anticipated. As children grow and encounter the inevitable bumps and falls, their developing bodies may need occasional adjustments.

I am thrilled to introduce Dr. Tim Stein from Straight Ahead Chiropractic, a distinguished local chiropractor here in Southern California, whose practice is making a profound impact. Tune in and stand corrected on any misinformation you may have, while learning the actual benefits chiropractic care can offer your newborn or child. And definitely don’t forget to share this with a new mom!

Find Dr. Stein & Straight Ahead Chiropractic on Facebook, Instgram, TikTok, or on their website https://www.straightaheadchiropractic.com

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