Covid Vaccine Injury: NZ Probation Officer, Rachael

3 months ago

Sent to The Health Forum Aug 2022

"My name is Rachael and I'm 53 from the Waikato.

Each day I wake up hoping something will have changed with my health, but sadly that is not the case.

On the 5th March 2022 was the eventful day I had the Pfizer booster.

Since then I feel broken, like a shadow of who I was, watching the world go on without me.

I have been diagnosed with Pericarditis from the vaccine.

On top of the chest pain that comes with the Pericarditis, I also have chronic neck pain daily with my whole right hand side of my body affected.

The neck pain feels as though someone has my neck in a vice, whilst the daily headaches feel as though someone has dropped a brick on my head.

I continue to take copious amounts of herbal supplements and medications prescribed by my GP, a lot being opioids to try to address the chronic pain.

My right calf muscle is lumpy under the skin, with my forearms doing the same thing. Which remains very much a concern given my blood is coagulating and is noticeable when giving blood or when I have been faced to call an ambulance.

The ambulance officers definitely struggle to get my blood to flow freely. When it does come out it is all coagulated and no medical professional seems concerned.

I can no longer regulate my own body temperature. My body cannot decide if it's hot or cold.

I struggle to watch television as my eyes are also affected now. I spend the day interchanging ice packs from the freezer or heating up wheat bags for my head and neck.
I continue to have chronic fatigue and this has been since the day after the vaccine was placed into my body.

I now have to have a shower chair to assist with the fatigue with showering. When I go out now I have to have my partner or a family member take me as I cannot walk far. I can barely walk around our cul de sac at home. I am sick of having to rely on someone all the time now.

My body seems to have body tremors, and my heart feels like it's having its on electrical party in my chest.

My resting heart rate quite often is 150 which is not normal, the more I try and do the worse it is.

This is affecting not only my relationship but also my employment.

I am not able to work and have no idea when I will be able to return to work to a job I so loved as a Probation Officer.

I am unable to do our housework or anything outside as this now causes me to be so breathless and have chest pain.
I spend alot of time resting on our bed.

Some days I am scared to be on my own with my feelings, some days are dark. When will this end?.
No one can tell me."

NB: Update:

Rachael continues to be chronically sick. She was readmitted to hospital this week with severe heart pain and uncontrollable high Blood Pressure (189/110)

The video shows the intermittent uncontrollable leg tremors that Rachael experiences sometimes. The last medical team to review this suspect brain micro emboli (multiple small blood clots in the brain).

Rachael has constant brain "electric shocks" and hand tremors.



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