"Baby Girl Laughing at Dog Barking"

6 years ago

"Babies love dogs and dogs adore babies, it’s a tale as old as time. We are not sure why, but they often make best friends to each other. If you don’t believe us, you just have to watch this video! In the beginning, we meet two little girls, their mom and a pet dog barking on command. At first, the toddler girl jumps and her little blue eyes go wide every time the dog barks. Oh no, is she scared of her pet? Don’t worry, there’s a plot twist. She soon realizes that she actually loves this game and starts laughing repeatedly every time her pet “speaks” to her. Their interaction is so precious! It almost seems like they are able to understand each other’s language. This is a beautiful example of a relationship between babies and dogs! Our adorable baby girl is completely in love with her pet dog, and we’re sure it’s mutual!"

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