American hegemony mentality: "Your wife TitTok is so beautiful Video

7 months ago

American hegemony mentality: "Your wife TitTok is so beautiful. If she gives birth to a child in the future, the Chinese kid will definitely one day rule the world. This will seriously affect the national security of the AngloSaxon rulers in the United States. Therefore, we passed law in US House and Senate that your wife must remarry me this year. I plan to have several children with her! 😎😎 😎😎😎 The world’s hegemony powers… will definitely act in accordance with the law after enacting legislation! 🤗🤗🤗🤗” 美國人強權的心態: “你老婆抖音好靚,將來生個中國仔一定會統治全世界,這樣嚴重影響我們美國的白人至上的國家安全,所以我們立法,你老婆在今年一定要改嫁比我,我打算同佢生幾個仔! 😎😎😎😎😎 世界強權…. 立法之後一定會依法行事! 🤗🤗🤗🤗”

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