Now we are free - Creative Intuitive Transmission #8 | High vibration art

2 months ago

*Sorry, Elarthians have wings, not Etherians!👉Read the blog post:
🎨Purchase the original artwork "Oraanïl":
🎨Purchase a high quality digital file of "Oraanïl", to bring these colorful high frequencies to your own sacred space:
🎵Listen to music 1: "Now we are free" by Lisa Gerrard ("The Gladiator" movie soundtrack):
🎵Listen to music 2: "Samba Didâ" by Natukem Tukada:
🎬Watch the film: The Gladiator (2000) by Ridley Scott:

*My mistake: Etherians don't have wings, Elarthians do.

In this Creative Intuitive Transmission no. 8 video, I have created a Japanese washi chiyogami paper art collage entitled "Oraanïl", which consists of high vibration art. Both pieces of music, the background and the original collage's iconography, all come together to translate the notion of coming out of slavery to recover, as individuals and a planetary diverse people, our sovereignty and freedom.

Our enslavement from regressive ETs and the Deep State, into a matrix of survival and debt slavery, false history and limiting beliefs, fear, division and anxiety, is now pretty much over. It is now our role to stand on our two feet and affirm to ourselves and to the world: our freedom, sovereignty and what we want for our world as Terrahu. If the door of our cage is now open, is everyone really coming out of the entrapment in order to take flight? Are we still clinging to chains that we don't need and even have anymore?

The music talks about this freedom from slavery and also, through its high vibes, reminds us of the beauty and colorful diversity we have on our planet and in our cultures. It is time to express our joy and new found freedom in all possible forms. This is also expressed through the use of colors and motifs in the Japanese washi chiyogami paper collage I created for this Creative Intuitive Transmission.

Now that we are free we can not only discover who we really are as individuals, as Terrahu (humans of Earth/Terra), but also as part of an incredibly rich galactic community of star brothers and sisters. So, I also discuss Elena Danaan's amazing new book, the first volume of the "Encyclopedia Galactica" , which is an absolute jewel, with incredibly realistic and magnificent color illustrations and rich text describing a large variety of ET races of our galaxy Nataru (Milky Way) and beyond. I discuss how I have obtained the kind permission from Elena to give to my original cards and 8"x12" (not the 8"x10" original work) digital files the names of star nations, stars and planets found in her books. This is my modest contribution to making her crucial information even more visible, because it really needs to circulate and it is so close to my heart.

What is a Creative Intuitive Transmission (CIT)?:

Who is Mokusho Abigaëlle Richard?

As a starseed soul, intuitive artist, iconographer, transmitter, collage artist and travel photographer, my soul purpose is to share my higher self connection and spiritual intuitive guidance in the form of a reading or Creative Intuitive Transmission with meaning (iconography), high vibration words and artwork as an original art collage of Japanese art style washi chiyogami paper (normally used for origami). It also takes the form of color and black and white photo digital files of travel, nature, landscape, animal, urban, architecture and b&w photography. Both are for sale as wall art in my art shop and their creative process and inspiration is discussed in blog posts of my website. They are also shared as videography on “The grounded starseed” Youtube channel, to offer you high frequency art.

As starseeds, and fractals of Source having a physical experience, it is a challenge to find balance between our connection to our soul, stars, and life on Terra. Like the shamanic tree, rooted on Terra, with its branches connected to stars and Source, being grounded is essential to be connected to our higher self guidance (inner guidance) and live in balance.

Mokusho Abigaëlle Richard
#HighVibrationArtCollage #HighFrequencyArtCollage #CreativeIntuitiveTransmission

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