The digital system being imposed on everybody...

7 months ago

Beast means a political and economical system. Was the covid jab the introduction of this system into our bodies? We still don`t know what exactly was in the jabs. But it has been shown that the jabs contain nanoparticles, sensors and transmitters. The jabs also produce spike proteins that shuts off the ability of our Hippocampus to produce neurons to enable our memories to function. People who have been jabbed emit MAC addresses and people`s personalities are also changing. Cancer, heart attacks and alzheimers are rising rapidly worldwide. What is going on? All these things started when people got jabbed. The Bible talks about the Mark of the Beast, the beast is the new system being brought in worldwide, and the mark is the sign that you`ve been designated a New identification. In this video he explains that the DNA will be changed, if that is the case, that is the beginning of the destruction of people worldwide. It seems that the shadow world government has stepped back a little. Is it because they got the jab into enough people, and the swab could also be putting something into our bodies. The bible says that people would be deceived into becoming part of the New System, and you can see how relentlessly the thing was pushed in every country in the world. Eventually it seems that this system will control all buying and selling and if you`re not part of it , you won`t be allowed to partake. But how far is this system prepared to go? Is the system going to hunt down people who resist? And is this system going to show its true colours? It seems Christianity is being watered down and has become more of a social thing. Modern Christianity doesn`t like to talk about the book of Revelations or even the Lord Jesus Christ. Modern christianity is concerned about climate change and all sort of sex rights and obeying whatever the system of the world dictates. It`s time to decide for yourself.

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