🎙️ Sermon 2: Cut It Out

1 year ago

Date: 3/9/2024
Pastor: Rachel R. Wilson

The Hebrew Meaning Of Mool/Brit Milah

The Hebrew word Mool is a primitive root word that literally means "to cut" or “to cut down”. It is presumed by Jewish scholars that the removal of the foreskin symbolically represents such a sealing of the covenant. Then there’s Brit Milah. Milah by itself means "circumcision", but it is always referred to as brit milah, including the word brit, or "covenant" because the practice of brit milah is closely connected to the divine promise and relationship that Yahweh establishes with the biblical patriarchs of Avarham (Abraham), Yitzchak (Issac), and some would say, with their ishas (wives) as well.

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