Uncontrolled space junk to hit Earth this weekend

6 months ago

Germany is closely monitoring the trajectory of debris expected to descend from the International Space Station (ISS) on Friday, with reports suggesting that parts of it may land in the western state of Rhineland-Palatinate or other regions of the country.

The debris, identified as a battery pack detached from the ISS three years ago, weighs 2.6 tons (2600 kilograms), equivalent to the size of an SUV.

According to the German Aerospace Center (DLR), the space junk is likely to enter the Earth’s atmosphere above North America, with an anticipated burn-up as it approaches the surface.

The DLR emphasizes a high probability that the debris will safely plunge into the ocean, posing an “unlikely” risk to Germany, the DW reported.

READ MORE: https://www.dw.com/en/iss-space-junk-germany-on-alert-for-debris-risk-minimal/a-68468872

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