"Yorkshire Terrier Dog Learns How to Smile: Say “Cheese!”"

6 years ago

"Many dog experts believe that dogs have learned how to smile because they have seen their humans do it, or perhaps because they know there’s a reward waiting if they perform that trick. Whatever the reason, dogs showing their teeth trying to form a human-like smile are absolutely hilarious! Just take a look at this cute Yorkie girl baring her teeth in a smile and try not to laugh! Even though fairly small, Yorkshire terriers, or Yorkies, are usually described as active, overprotective and curious. It is also true that they thrive on attention and love that come from their daily interaction with humans. This little Yorkie is not lacking any love or attention from her owner. Their bond is definitely strong. Every time the woman says “Cheese!”, her little Yorkie reacts with a perfect reveal of her beautiful teeth! Isn’t that so precious? Pet dogs just can never seize to amaze us with their cuteness!"

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