We Need Concrete Measures to Stop the CCP from Getting Hold of High Technology

11 months ago

03/08/2024 Roy on The John Fredericks Show: In politics, it's now widely understood that we can't allow the CCP to gain true control over high technology. But we can't just stick to slogans; we need very specific and practical measures to prevent the CCP from doing so. We need to make people understand how much worse the world will become if the CCP continues to acquire high technology.
03/08/2024 罗伊做客The John Fredericks Show:现在在政治上我们都明白一个常识,那就是不能让中共真正掌握高科技。但我们不能停留在喊口号的阶段,我们需要非常具体且切实可行的措施去阻止中共。我们需要让人们了解,如果中共继续获取高科技,那未来的世界会变得多么糟糕。

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