CCP Uses Traction Technology to Crash MH370 to Cover Up Organ Transplants by Jiang Zemin's Family

4 months ago

03/08/2024 Roy on The John Fredericks Show: Malaysia Airlines MH370 did not disappear; rather, it crashed due to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) employing remote traction technology. This incident involves the Jiang Zemin family, one of the CCP’s kleptocratic families, which has been engaged in organ harvesting and transplantation. The “Remote Traction Technology” is not an original technology of the CCP, but was stolen from Israel.
03/08/2024 罗伊做客The John Fredericks Show:马航MH370并非失踪事件,而是中共利用远程牵引技术制造的坠机事件。此事涉及中共盗国贼家族之一的江泽民家族进行的器官强摘和移植黑幕。而“牵引技术”也不是中共的原创技术,是他们从以色列窃取的。

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