Luciferase And The Elites Promise To Light Up Your Life – Parallels To Antediluvian Conditions

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It is pretty well accepted that Adam and Chava (Eve) had a glow about them in the garden and that glow is attributed to being in fellowship with Yahweh continually. When forced from Paradise the glow faded and humanity aside from Adam’s line lost it altogether. In time, so did Adam’s line. In that antediluvian world the shine stood for freedom in worship of holiness however today the Elite want to mock Yahweh by causing mankind to have a phosphorescent glow that will signify slavery to the antichrist and Satan. What exactly happened to mankind to cause the glow to extinguish? Have men glowed since that time? What about Moses and Yeshua? What about Yahweh’s current people, that is believers in Yeshua? We will look at the account of an antediluvian record that tells us about this glow and much more. The show will start at 3PM Pacific on Rumble and Twitch.

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