The Karmic Attraction: The Karmic "Crush"

3 months ago


Welcome, welcome to another video with me Bailey!
In this video I discuss The Karmic Attraction or rather .. The Karmic "Crush"!
#compulsion #copycat #addiction #secretadmiration #ego #blackmagic #demons

Note: in regards to sexual orientation- I am not denying same sex love! Just that there are many different ways we can experience "attraction" outside of what we deem to be "normal"!

There are many many ways in which these connections play out, and usually they are RIFE with past life charges, making them very intense, in some cases sinister and after a while VERY annoying and debilitating.

These connections can take up A LOT of your time, space and life force, there can be a lot of demands once you start to "pull away" from the said connection ( this can play out in a friendship group with unrequited feelings ect , not just romantic) , there can be energetic harvesting, use of black magic ( that usually stems from past lives) or leeching involved , as well as high levels of co-dependency where the person with the "crush" is highly dependant on you for their sense of self OR using your energy to benefit their sense of self.

The Karmic Crushes usually stem back MULTIPLE past lives and have played out in MANY different ways and many different connections- not just romantic.
They can be VERY hard to exit out of, and there are usually multiple layers of emotion and "connect the dots" that have to be made in order for you to be released from them.
In some cases you literally " face the devil" in someone else and come face to face with THEIR demons- e.g projection, hidden desires and true intention behind the facade!

This is how you can also get high levels of sexual "attraction" but it is usually wrought with codependency, disempowerment and somewhat "needy manipulative" behaviour- I have seen the "Twin Flame" term used for karmic connections often!
For many- these connections have been used to keep one in a state of spiritual disempowerment - where the "crush" is benefitting immensely from your disempowerment.

These connections can be very taxing to disengage from- having helped a few others in my line of work and also experienced my own and trying to leave the "life force suction" of said individuals- including family members. ( It is important to remember in past lives family members could have played another role for us OUTSIDE of the family dynamic we find ourselves in this current life time- if you resonate with any of this info with a family member- it would be wise to seek some spiritual counsel to gain the bigger picture and help release yourself from someones grasp!).

Usually though- there is a sinister feel to them, with high levels of manipulation and deceit that start to come out of the woodwork as you begin to try and disengage your energy from the connection. A very clear sign of a Karmic Crush is harassment in Dream times and naughty spirit interference.They can also serve as an "initiation" into higher self respect for your energy and hone your spiritual discernment and what you are willing to tolerate in your own life and energy!

If you have realised you are the one with "The Karmic Crush" after watching this- it may be wise for you too to go seek spiritual counsel and figure out where your own self respect and integrity for yourself went!

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Bailey is a clairvoyant spirit medium , healer and "bridge" to the The Spirit World and The Higher Realms.
Bailey aims to bridge the spiritual with the everyday world earthly experience with commonsense, practicality and high levels of ease and flow!
She had a dream to set up this channel and so she did!
She is based in New Zealand.


B x

DISCLAIMER: Bailey is a psychic medium and healer thus works as a "bridge" for higher energies and works with energetics. She is not a trained psychologist, dietitian, doctor or therapist. Bailey's advice, guidance and healing sessions are supportive and complementary in their use. She is not responsible for actions you take after ingesting this information. She asks you to use your common sense and tune in to what feels right and just for you.

#karmiccrush #karmicrelationship #karma

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