STOLEN IDENTITY: The real JFK Jr - Justice for John 2024

4 months ago

"Stolen Identity" is the jaw-dropping memoir by the real John F. Kennedy Jr., who was replaced by a body double in a scheme to embezzle billions of Kennedy dollars for organized crime at the age of nine.

Referred to as "John-John" by the mafia, the public persona of JFK Jr. was a counterfeit, enjoying a life of wealth and privilege. Simultaneously, the genuine son of the assassinated president endured a heartbreaking existence marked by neglect, torture, and poverty."

Prepare to be astonished as the author reveals a gripping account of corrupt government, secret societies, MK-Ultra, murder, and monumental theft. This life-changing autobiography will permanently alter the reader's perception of the American government, politics, and the true fate of the Kennedy family."

Authors: John F. Kennedy Jr. , Jackie Goldman
Publisher: ‎Ghostwriter Jackie Goldman Ltd, Published Nov 4, 2023


In JFK Jr's Words (aka David Keith Quigley)

The name given to me by my mother and father was John Kennedy Jr. My father was the president of the US and assassinated in 1963. That was done for the whole world to see. Identity theft is huge in our government. If that wasn’t done in broad daylight, they would have used identity theft and I would have had a new father. What they don’t tell you is that I lost my loved ones and my loved ones were replaced with identity theft.

My father was president of the United States and assassinated in 1963. What you don’t know is the rest of the story and I’m here to share the rest of the story and it is huge. It is my life mission to share my story, people.

Our government using identity theft and other heinous crimes. It’s taken over. The US of America has been overthrown. We must rally. We must gather in the masses. The communist plan is in place. The communist plan is to make us all slaves, to enslave us all. To make us weak and rely on our government. We need to rely on we the people and I’m gonna start going live on here. I plan on stepping in my fathers’ shoes and finishing his works to the death of me. Straight up. It’s that important to me.

I walk through the valley of the shadow of death and I walk with my brothers by my side and I fear no evil. And if God comes and takes me, I’ll be with people that I love. You have no idea how many enemies I have. Just trying to share this story is huge. And with that said, I got a message, it’s loud and clear: ‘Try burning this one… assholes.’ That’s my message to my enemies. Keep those prayers coming, keep those shares coming.

I’m up against people with billions and billions of dollars that don’t want you to know this story. And help pull me out of the gutter. Let’s make this world. Let’s take a march to the White House, people. God bless you. God bless America. Not only let’s make America great again, let’s make it ours.

People will try to discredit my stories any which way they can. They can’t handle the truth. I want you to wake up and realise what has been going on in this country. I work hard. I work my ass off for this country. They won’t release my files – I have FBI files, CIA files, Secret Service files They don’t want you to know.

I see things on TV, in comments on the internet, that ‘your father is still alive’. People, I never saw my father again. Why are they saying my father is still alive? It takes away from the facts that my father was murdered by the government. If he is still alive, then the murder doesn’t exist. But it does exist, people. The right, the left. It’s corrupted to the core. Your vote doesn’t matter. They put in whoever they want to run this country.

You might not believe this. You might not believe this at all. But you need to believe it. My name is David Keith Quigley. My real name, John Kennedy Jr. I am a victim of our government’s murder, child trafficking, crime ring. I was kidnapped, I was tortured as a child, I was replaced. The Kennedy curse, there is no Kennedy curse. My family members were being murdered and replaced with identity theft. Ted Kennedy. Jackie Kennedy, yes, it was not just my father, JFK or my Uncle Bobby. They murdered and they replaced to steal the Kennedy fortune.

They have murdered and replaced people in power within our very own government, all the way to our president, our commander in chief, Donald Trump. Donald Trump was murdered in a helicopter crash in 1989 and replaced, people.

Slavery doesn’t have a colour. People in government look at us like slaves.
When I was a child, it was almost like I was being bought and sold by people in power. It’s true. Don’t let them take away the truth.

Justice for John 24. Let’s go with that.

You want to know the rest of the story people? JFK Jr Stolen Identity on Telegram. I have a book on Amazon. Check it out.



I ordered this book 2 days ago, received it today and finished it within 2hrs. To the naysayers, with an open mind, I suggest you read this book and do some actual research. You just may find yourself a believer of this truth also. I can’t imagine what it’s like going through life knowing who you truly are, losing your family, being used, abused and having to remain silent for all these years. Well, everything is in Gods timing and the time for the REAL John Kennedy Jr to be seen and heard is now! - Let the Truth Be Known

Wow! Just wow! I stayed up all night reading this book and I shed many years as I was reading. I could feel the heaviness in my heart trying to imagine all the events John has gone through. And the lives he is about to change by sharing his story. This book is going to bring so much more to the surface then people could imagine. Melissa

I do believe this young man is who he says he is and I pray God restore everything fully to him as much as can be restored at this point. Much of it is difficult to read but not because of its content but rather because one human being could be this way to another. Rhonda Bates

The son of an American president's son replaced by an impostor at a young age, then forced to live a life of poverty and abuse? What would that say about our trusted institutions and those trusted to run them? Why didn't they protect and care for him? Why haven't they told his story to this day? Darren Collins

Everyone who is hungry for truth and is tired of being lied to ought to give this book a read. It's unbelievable the level of deception, manipulation, and corruption that abounds in this world. It's time to hunger for truth and righteousness and demand justice be rendered to every criminal. Saved by Grace

I received this book today & read it in 3 hours because I couldn't put it down! It's that good. Tina S.

The most terrifying book I have ever read. Murders, betrayal, torture - I found it so difficult to read some parts without welling up. But without doubt David Keith Quigley is the real John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. Paul White

This man was spared to lead us out of the darkness and into the light , as he so quotes . God has spared him to be one of his mightiest warriors! Everyone one should read this book! Tex

It's unbelievable the lies that have been put out to the public. This book is a sobering experience. He is truly a very brave person to share his truth. Patricia Johnston

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