Article 4700 Video - International Public Notice: Regarding Money and Charges By Anna Von Reitz

10 months ago

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Article 4700 Video - International Public Notice: Regarding Money and Charges - Friday, March 8, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

No element of Federal or Municipal Code which has not been published in the correct Congressional Record and for which prior proper regulatory authority has not been established, can be applied to any American State National or State Citizen.

This includes establishing debts and debts in our name, securitizing the flesh and assets of any American, abusing Usufructuary relationships, and the imposed use of Federal Reserve Notes, Clearinghouse Certificates, Registrations, and similar commercial or appearing to be commercial paper.

Unlike actual money that has actual value in-and-of-itself, legal tender may or may not exist as a valid commercial instrument. In the case of the Federal Reserve Note, no lawful assets have backed it since at least 2005, and as it has no "sum money" due and payable at any stipulated time it also fails the test as a viable commercial instrument. It is a domestic currency only, and competent only to serve as a symbolic exchange of debt credit.

The only way to receive payment in such a system or circumstance is to execute a debt swap, known as a Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemption, as provided for under Federal Title XII.

Put bluntly our Federal Subcontractors have amassed an admitted debt to us of $35 Trillion USD and have never set up a systematic means for us to arrange an appropriate debt swap (MOCEE); they have conveniently continued to extend "our" credit to themselves and have evaded and obstructed remedy.

They have also participated in a widespread legal scheme to impersonate their Employers and thus deny them access to the obvious remedy, which is to swap any debt the Employers owe the Employees against what the Employees already owe to the Employers.

There is really no excuse for this behavior on the part of the Federal Subcontractors as they are required to work on credit and extending more credit is equivalent for their purposes to reducing their debt which increases their available credit without additional debt.

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