40 Days of Prayer, WORSHIPING THE GOD WHO REIGNS ROMANS 11:36, Week 4, Day 3

4 months ago


How can we comprehend fully surrendering our lives to a sovereign God? Paul gives us this simple yet overarching truth in Romans 11:36 of Jehovah Elyon, our God is sovereign. As we follow our God who reigns, our worship, family, home, calling, assignment, life, and our everything is not for us but rather from, through, and for Him.

As authentic worshipers, it is simple for us to justify holy places and moments as “for God.” Places like your church auditorium or a chair for prayer in your home. Moments such as when you experi enced a miracle or an anointing on your life. What if we could see the mundane moments and places as from, through, and for God?

Could we allow the God of the universe to reign in and set apart everyday things in our lives? What if we view making dinner for friends and family as seeing God as our Provider and witnessing the fruit of kindness? What if we enjoy nature, books, music, film, or artwork that showcases the beauty of God’s creations? That exercise and eating well could be seen as stewarding God’s creation. We can even begin to see a pet that brings us love and joy as being from and for God.

Because of this scriptural truth, everything points us back to the Father. When we allow ourselves to see God in everything, the holy and the mundane, our natural response is worship. We experience gratitude, thankfulness, and love towards our Father and cannot help ourselves from giving God the glory and praise.


God, we pray today that You open our eyes to see Your sovereignty in everything we experience. From simple moments, to the peaks of joy, to the valley of sorrow, may we see You at work in all things. Thank You, Lord, for the blessings in my life that I see and those I may never fully understand or recognize. I ask You to continue to reign in my life as I desire to point my life towards Your greatness. Let me worship You with every moment and breath—to You be the glory forever! Amen.

By Josh Sadion

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